Lectio Divina
How to Practice Lectio Divina:
Quiet Down
Sit comfortably and relax.
Breathing slowly can help you to quiet down.
Remind yourself of how much God loves you, likes you, and is excited to be there with you. Remember that his long, loving gaze is upon you.
Read and Reflect
Read a Bible passage slowly, audibly if that helps.
Read the passage three times. Using a different translation for one of the times may be helpful.
With each reading stop when something catches your interest or stands out. Listen. Repeat the phrase or word a few times.
Ask, “Lord, what are You pointing me to in this passage?” or “How is my heart being engaged at this moment?” or “How might this word intersect with my own life right now?”
Talk to God
What do you want to say to him? What questions do you have for him?
What does he want to say to you?
Speak to him as a friend speaks to a friend. Rest.
Sit quietly. Enjoy being present to God.
Thank him for the time and his presence.